What is a Breast Lift and Are You a Candidate?

breast lift results

What is a Breast Lift (Mastopexy)?

A breast lift, or mastopexy , is the surgical procedure that excises skin, glandular tissue and fat to literally lift the breast and give it a more youthful, perky appearance. Only a qualified plastic surgeon can assess your needs and discuss your options when it comes to breast lift surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Mastopexy?

Requirements for breast lift surgery are similar to other operations. The patient must be in good health and be free of active diseases or pre-existing medical conditions. With any cosmetic surgery, however, it's imperative that the patient also has a realistic expectation of the outcome of their surgery.

Communication is crucial in reaching one's goals. You must be able to voice your desires to your surgeon if he or she is to understand what your desired results are. Realize that cosmetic plastic surgeons are not miracle workers. Discuss your goals with your surgeon so that the two of you can reach an understanding of what's possible in your individual case, as well as the risks and benefits that you face.

You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo a cosmetic procedure. Surgery is not to be taken lightly and always requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period.

Also accept that the results of cosmetic plastic surgery, particularly a breast lift, are rarely "forever". If you have large, heavy breasts, they may sag again at some point after your mastopexy, particularly if you don't take care to wear a supportive bra on a regular basis.