1. Check around and be aware of all your options. Research the many techniques. This may take some time, but it is well worth it. Don't just go to the first doctor you hear about, take your time consulting and gaining various opinions..
  2. There is a vast amount of information available on the web as well as pamphlets free to the public from libraries, patient information organizations and doctors' offices, without obligation.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask around. Check phonebooks, ask around your salon or gym, go through referral agencies, ask nurses, search online -- even join our chat and forum discussions.
  4. Compile a list of possible surgeons and begin checking out their licensure, credentials, the possibility of disciplinary action, even ask about continued medical education (CME). Also check for possible negative media coverage.
  5. You can find out if a surgeon has been disciplined by writing your State Medical Board.
  6. Check with the American Board of Medical Specialists by calling 1-800-776-2378 Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 6 PM Eastern time to verify American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) certification -- or visit the ABMS website at www.abms.org
  7. Has the doctor's malpractice insurance ever been cancelled? Some state medical boards will tell you when a doctor has had insurance cancelled (beware! most doctors can get insurance no matter how bad their record is).
  8. What does the American Medical Association (AMA) have on file about the doctor? The American Medical Directory, published by the AMA, lists the affiliations of its members. It should be available at your public library. However, for $60. the AMA will provide biographical information on as many as four physicians. Note: If your surgeon is not found on the AMA lists, this is not a red mark. The AMA announced a 4.3% drop in memberships from 2000-2001 (amednews.com)
    • Write: AMA, Department of Physician Data Services, Dept. P, 515 N. State St. Chicago, Illinois 60610
  9. EXTRA!
    In some cases just because a doctor has been involved in a lawsuit, does not mean that doc is a bad choice. People sue for everything nowadays and some doctors don't wish to go through the battle and will settle out of court. Likewise, if a doctor has NOT ever been disciplined, it does not mean he is a good choice either. Maybe it just hasn't happened yet.
  10. Beware of the doctor who fails to listen to your concerns or fails to bring the risks and complications of your chosen procedure to your attention. Know the risks!
  11. Trust your instincts as well. Sometimes, if you have a bad feeling about someone or something -- there's a reason.
  12. Not all surgeons charge for a consultation. The price of the consult does not necessarily reflect on the skill of the surgeon. Prices vary from free to $500.
  13. Speak to others who have undergone or will undergo the same procedure you are interested in. Check out our Discussion Forum.
  14. If you view before and after photos (from the web, doctors' offices, etc.) do realize that they can be retouched or digitally airbrushed and not to rely solely on them. But it is very important to view before and after photos. This gives you a sense of the surgeon's style.
  15. Look through magazines, old photos or other sources to help you decide what you DO and do NOT want as a result. But remember to be realistic in your expectations. Your body is made from living tissue not modeling clay.
  16. Compile a list of the medications, if any, that you may be on as a reference. Your doctor should instruct you to refrain from ingesting any products containing aspirin or even herbal products such as Echinacea. Don't forget to view the Medication & Supplement List on our website.
  17. Discuss with your spouse or significant other your wishes and concerns; perhaps they may have input or concerns you may not have thought of.
  18. Ask if you can bring a friend or spouse with you to your consultation. Support can be very beneficial during your meeting.

What to Bring to Your Consult:

  1. Bring a list of questions you may have for the surgeon.
  2. Bring your list of medications for reference.
  3. Bring some photos to provide a visualization for the surgeon on the results you desire and DON'T desire.

