Medications and Supplements to Avoid Before Cosmetic Surgery

medications to avoid before surgery

Your surgeon should provide you with a list of medications to avoid before your breast lift surgery, and you should follow it to the letter.

Surgeons often instruct their patients not to take any product containing aspirin or ibuprofen for 7 to 14 days prior to and following a surgical procedure. You should also inform your surgeon and anesthesiologist of every medication or supplement you have taken for the last few months, including some anti-depressants that can take several weeks to fully clear your system. Even homeopathic supplements can endanger your life or increase some risks intra- and postoperatively. So please disclose every medication, essential oil, supplement, suspension, etc. Your life and well-being may depend upon it.

Aspirin and aspirin containing products, as well as some supplements and nutraceuticals, may inhibit blood clotting and cause difficulties during and after surgery. If you need an aspirin-free fever reducer and pain reliever, take acetaminophen (Tylenol). Also, if you are a smoker, refrain for at least 2 to 3 weeks both before and after your surgery date. Smoking significantly reduces your body's superficial circulation and vascularity, meaning less oxygen needed for proper healing gets to your tissues.

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click a letter for the products beginning with that letter


Aches-N-Pains, Actifed,Acuprin, Addaprin, Adprin - B Tablets, Adult Analgesic Pain Relievers, Advil,AK Spore - HC, Alka Seltzer,All Arthritis Medicines,Allergy Relief Medicines (A.R.M.),Alpha Omega (fish oil),Aluprin,Aleve, Amigesic Capsules, Amitriptyline, Anacin, Anacin,Arthritis/P, Ansaid Tablets (generic brand of Ansaid is Flurbiprofen), Anodynos Tablets, Analval, Anaprox, Anaprox-DS, Anaproxen, Anaproxen Anodynos, Ansaid, APAC Improved, APC, Argesic Tablets, Arthra-G, Arthralgen Tablets, Arthritis Pain Formula, Arthritis Strength Bufferin,Arthropan,Arthropan Liquid, As-caff, Ascodeen, Ascriptin,Ascriptin AID tablets, Ascriptin with Codeine Tablets, ALL ASCRIPTIN PRODUCTS, Aspir-lox, Asperi-mox, Aspirbuf,Aspercin, Aspergum,Aspirin (of any kind), Aspirin Suppositories, Aspirin with Codeine, ASpirTab,Asprimox Tablets, Asproject,A.S.A. Tablets, A.S.A. Enseals, Axotal,Azdone Tablets


B-A-C Tablets,Bayer Aspirin, Bayer Children's Aspirin Tablets, Bayer Children's Cold Tablets, Bayer Timed-Release Aspirin Tablets, Bayer Select Pain Formula, BC Powder/Tablets, Bilberry Tablets, Brufen, Buf Tab,Buff-A-Comp, Buff-A Comp No.3 Tablets with codeine, Buffaprin, Buffasal, Bufferin, Bufferin 37%, Bufferin Arth, Bufferin X/S Butalbit,Buffets II, Buffex, Buffinol, Buropion, Buropion HCL, Butazolidin


C-Advil Cama, Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever, Cama Inlay Tabs, CataFlam Tablets, Carisoprodol Compoud Tablets, Cayenne, Cephalgesic, Cheracol Tablets, Children's Advil Suspension, Children's Aspirin, Children's Motrin Suspension, Chro,mium, Chromium Picolinate, Claritin, Clinoril, Concerta (for ADD/ADHD), Congespirin, Contac, Cope, Coricidin Tablets, Coricidin "D" Decongestant Tablets, Coricidin, Coricidin Demilets Tablets for Children, Coricidin Mediets Tablets for Children, Coumadin


Damason-P, Darvon, Darvon with ASA, Darvon Compound, Darvon Compound-65, Darvon w/Apspirin, Darvon-N with Apsirin, Dasin, Dipryridamole, Disalcid, Diurex, Doan's, Dolcn, Dolobid, Dolphirn #3 Tablets, Drinopehn, Dristan, Dristan Sinus, Duoprin-S Syrup, Duradyne Tablets


Vitamin E, E-aspirin, Easprin EC, Echinacea, Ecolrin, Ecotrin Tablets, EFFEXORXR, Elavil, Emagrin, Empirin, Empirin with Codeine, Emprazil, Endodan Tablets, Epromate Tablets, Equagesic, Equazine-M, Excedrin, EFFEXORXR (venlafaxine HCl) Extended-Release, ExPrazi


Feldene, Fenoprofen Tablets, Feverfew, Fiogesic Tablets, Fioricett, Fiorinal, Fiorinal with Codeine, Florgen PF,Fluoxetin, Flurbiprofen Tablets, 4 Way Cold Tablets


garlic (allium sativum) tabs & do not eat garlic excessively (some say not at all - but if you accidentally get some or have a little garlic toast, I am sure it's okay, it's more for garlic tablets), Genaced, Genacote, Gelpirin Tablets, Genprin,Gensan, Ghemnisym, Gingko, Ginbko Biloba, Gennin, Ginger, Gingko, Ginkobiloba, GNP aspirin, Goody's Headache Powder, Goody-s Extra Strength


Halfprin Tablets, Haltran, Heparin,Hydroxycut


IBU, IBU-Tab, Ibuprofen, Ibuprin, Ibuprohm, Indocin, Indochron E-R Capsules , Indomethacin Caspules, Indomethacin Suspension, Infantol Pill, Isollyl Improved Tablets & Capsules

Jnone available


Ketoprofen Capsules


Lanorinal, Licorice Root, Lodine, Lortab ASA


MAO inhibitors, Magan, Magnaprin, Magnasprin, Magsal, Marnal, Marthritic Tablets, Maximum Bayer Aspirin, Measurin, Meclomen, MecloFenamate Capsules, Medigistic-Plus, Medipren, Meditren, Melatonin, Menadol, Meprogesic Q, Micraninin, Midol/Midol 200, Midol Original, Midol PMS, Mobidin, Moblgesic, Momentum Back Ache Formula, Monogesic, Motrin, Motrin IB, Multi-Vitamin


Nalfon, Nardil, Nardilzine, Naprosyn, Neomycin, Neogesic, Norgesic, Norgesic Forte, Norwich Extra Strength Aspirin, Nov-naproxen, Nuprin, NyQuil/NyQuil P.M.


Orphenagesic, Orphenagesic Forte, Orudis, Oruvail Capsules, Oxycodine, Oxycodone


P-A-C, Pabalate-SF, Pabrin, Pacaps, Pain Reliever Tablets, Pamprin-IB, Panalgesic, Panodynes, Papaya, PediaProfen, Pedrazil, Percodan, Percodan Demi Tabs, Persantin, Persisrin, Persistin, PetoBismol, Phenaphen, Phenetron Compound, Piroxicam Capsules, Polymyxin, Ponstel Capsules, Presalin, Propoxyphene Compound, Propoxyphene Napsylate with Aspirin, Prozac


Quagesic, Quiet World Analgesic (sleeping aid), Quinine


Relafen Tablets, Rexolate, Rhinex, Robaxin, Robasisal, Roxiprin Tablets, Rufin, Robaxisal


S-A-C, Salabuff, Salatin. Saleto, Saleto 200, Saleto-400,600,800 Tablets, Salflex, Salicylamide, Salocol, Salsalate, Salsitab, Serzone, Sign Off Sinus Tablets, Sine Aid, Sine Off, SK-65 Compound Capsules, Soma Compound, Soma Compound with Codeine, St. John's Wort, St. Josephs Aspirin, St. Joseph Cold Tablets (for children), Stanback Analgesic, Stanback Powder, Sudafed, Sulindac Tablets, Supac, Synalogos Capsules, Synalgos-DC Capsules


Talwin Compound, Tenol-Plus, Tolectin 200,600 Tablets, Tolectin DS Capsules, Tolmetin Tablets/Capsules, Toradol Injection/Tablets, Tr-Pain Tablets, Trilisate Tablets and Liquid, Trendar, Trental, Triaminicin Tablets, Tricosal tablets, Tri-Pain, Trigesic, Trilisate, Tusal


Ultrapin, Unipro, Ursinos Inlay Tablets


Valesin, Valtrex, Vanquish, Verin, Viro-Med Tablets, Vivarin, Voltaren


Warafin (Coumadin), Wellbutrin, Wesprin Buffered

Xnone available




Zactrin, (Zoloft has anti-coagulant properties so just advise your anesthesiologist if you take it) Zorprin, Zyban

Plus any other aspirin containing medication, be it natural, prescription or over the counter. Alert your doctor of any medications or supplements you may be taking. Even natural supplements have their risks. Read below...

Other Supplements, Vitamins and Herbal Remedies

I know many patients may take herbal supplements and some may be beneficial, but many are contraindicated and are among the medications to avoid before cosmetic surgery. You may believe that the supplements you use are safe because they are natural and available over the counter, and they may be under normal circumstances. But many of them can hurt you when used in conjunction with anesthesia, other medications or while undergoing surgery.

You may also think that telling your surgeon or anesthesiologist would be embarrassing, especially if you shouldn't be taking them, if you are taking them for weight loss, to increase your sexual stamina, for acne or for depression. This is your life! Don't mess around with it!

Vitamin E is usually prohibited before and directly after surgery because it has anti-platelet properties and inhibits vital clot formation. Please cease consuming Vitamin E at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to any surgery and for 2 to 3 weeks afterwards unless specifically instructed by your surgeon.

Garlic (allium sativum) tablets, ginger, alfalfa, cayenne, papaya, feverfew, chamomile, dong quai root, willow bark, goldenseal, guarana, horse chestnut and bilberry tablets/supplements all have anti-platelet properties and may inhibit vital clot formation. These medications are normally taken to remedy edema (fluid retention).

Gingko, gingko biloba and selenium are powerful anti-coagulants. They are considered to be 3 times stronger than Vitamin E.

Ginseng may cause rapid heartbeat/and or high blood pressure in some individuals, as well as disrupting coagulation.

St. John's Wort, yohimbe, and licorice root have a mild monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory effect. Some well known and popular anti-depressants are MAO inhibitors and you should report if you are taking them to your surgeon and anesthesiologist.

Melatonin may decrease the amount of anesthesia needed for surgery.

Kava kava, hawthorn, lemon verbena, muwort, lavender and valerian/valerian root – all taken to promote relaxation and sleep – have tranquilizing properties and should not be combined with other sedative agents. Tell your anesthesiologist/surgeon if you take any of these.

Echinacea may have a severe impact on the liver when general anesthesia is used. It also has some coagulation disruption properties.

Ma huang (ephedra), a major component of many weight loss supplements, has been associated with many adverse health effects, including death. It is an amphetamine-like compound and stimulates the central nervous system and heart. In large doses ephedrine causes nervousness, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, skin flushing, tingling and vomiting. We strongly discourage the use of this supplement in any form.

Gotu kola has a stimulant effect as well.

The following alter blood glucose levels: ackee fruit, alfalfa, aloe, argimony, barley, bitter melon, burdock root, carrot oil, chromium, coriander, dandelion root, devil's club, eucalyptus, fenugreek seeds, fo-ti, large amounts of natural garlic, ginseng, grape seed, guayusa, gmena, juniper, nem seed oil, large amounts of onions, periwinkle, and yellow root.

Special Medication Alerts

If you are on anti-depressants, please advise your doctor. Some monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (also known as MAOI) may cause severe problems when anesthesia is administered, especially general anesthesia. For example, very low blood pressure may occur during surgery. This could be quite dangerous in the operating room if your doctor is unaware of your medication usage. Advise your doctor/anesthesiologist if you are taking an MAOI so he or she can make adjustments for your anesthesia and watch for any decrease in your heart or breathing rate or your blood pressure.

MAOI medications include: Isocarboxazid, Marplan, phenelzine (Nardil, Nardelzine) tranylcypromine (Parnate, Sicoton), Deprenyl, selegiline hydrochloride, 5 HTP, Amitriptyline, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Buropion, Buropion HCL, Fluoxetin, and Effexor XR. They are used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, essential hypertension, chronic pain syndromes, and migraine headaches. They work by inhibiting nerve transmissions in brain that may cause depression. Tranylcypromine and phenelzine account for over 90% of all MAO inhibitors currently prescribed. Drug interactions can occur even weeks after discontinued use of an MAOI. Therefore, in patients undergoing general anesthesia, usage must be discontinued several weeks prior to surgery to avoid possible cardiovascular effects.

Stop taking diet pills, fat loss supplements and stackers at least 2 to 3 weeks before surgery. Many of these pills contain anticoagulants and can seriously impede blood clotting, resulting in hemorrhaging.