Breast Lift Scars and Prevention Treatments
A breast lift does leave scars, and you will want to plan ahead as to how to deal with them. Luckily there are several medications, vitamins and commercial products that are promoted for their scar-healing powers.
Vitamin E
Many women believe that topical vitamin E will help heal their mastopexy scars, and it may. However, a study published in the professional journal Dermatologic Surgery reported that topical vitamin E had no effect and even worsened the appearance of incision lines and scars in 90% of the cases. The study also found an increase in cases of contact dermatitis in a third of the cases in the study. Some cases showed an excess production of collagen that increased the vertical height of the scar.
Be sure to ask your plastic surgeon before resuming any anti-platelet inducing medications or supplements, including vitamin E, aspirin, or aspirin-containing products, due to their anti-platelet properties that can prohibit clot formation and cause hemorrhaging.
Surgical Tape, Silicone Sheeting and Topical Gels
I have always chosen a regimen of surgical paper tape for the initial scar healing phase, then switching over to silicone sheeting. Many surgeons are beginning to use surgical paper tapes such as Steri-Strips by 3M Corp. These paper tapes have contributed considerably to scar flattening and fading in patients who were given paper tape over no scar therapy directly post-op.
Silicone sheeting is becoming more popular for flattening and fading of breast lift scars. It is undetermined if the topical gels are as effective as the sheeting, although some doctors believe it is the pressure and moisture barrier of the sheeting, rather than the substance it is made from, that is effective as a healing agent.
I personally do not like topical gels, but find them effective and less of a hassle than the sheeting for facial applications or small, discolored flat scars or scrapes. My areolae scars healed significantly better using silicone discs, although I really liked the Band-Aid Scar Healing Strips. They were convenient, stayed on and worked very well for a variety of breast scars I have had.
Retin A is sometimes used in plastic surgery procedures for the face, such as after rhinoplasty nose surgery or facelift surgery. Some surgeons, as described below, also recommend it for use after breast lift surgery. Some surgeons suggest applying Retin A to the incision line (once it has healed closed) and covering the scar with paper tape. Wait several days and repeat until the scar has faded. In my experience, areolae scars and inframammary crease incisions healed wonderfully with the paper tape (specifically Steri-Strips). Incidentally, many liposuction scars are treated this way, and very effectively. I used the Band-Aid Scar Healing Strips on my lipo scars until they were healed and then started Retin-A Micro. The breast lift scars were barely visible 5 months post-op.